Help with a household gas leak

Feeling the smell of gas in the room

Immediately shut off its supply to the stove. At the same time, do not smoke, do not light matches, do not turn on the lights and electrical appliances (it is best to de-energize the entire apartment by turning off the power supply at the switchboard) so that the spark cannot ignite the gas accumulated in the apartment and cause an explosion.

Ventilate the whole apartment

Thoroughly ventilate the entire apartment, not just the gassed room, by opening all doors and windows. Leave the room and do not enter it until the smell of gas disappears.

Signs of gas poisoning

If people around you show signs of gas poisoning, remove them to fresh air and place them so that their head is higher than their feet. Call an ambulance.

If gas smell persists

Call the emergency gas service immediately (telephone 1-04), available around the clock

Created based on materials from the official Internet portal EMERCOM of the Russian Federation